Thursday, August 14, 2014

Heart strings

Please explain to me, how it is that my heart falls for those that I can never be with
One has been close to my heart for a long time...misjudged because of the men she had been with...realizing now that I am who I said I was

The other...I've been attracted to her since I first moved in...getting closer as friends as time has passed

And then, there is GA... We've grown close, but her passive aggressiveness has turned me sour

Will I ever find true happiness? Everyday, I sink further and further into my hole

No longer seeing light at the tunnel's end...but realizing that I just don't care to look anymore

At the point of wanting to give longer caring about anything anymore

No hope...just empty up on love...happiness...

Giving up on that part of my life...feeling like a complete failure

Why? Is this a test, or karma...either sucks

Everybody deserves to be happy...even just a little I will sit...pretend to smile to the world...all the while dying a little more inside each day...