Monday, May 21, 2007

Daily Thoughts

What if we lived in a world where we focused on all of the positive things,
would we know sadness?
What if we lived in a world where we saw only the good things in a person,
would we live as one?
What if we loved and accepted unconditionally,
would we have strife?
What if we looked beyond the color of skin, the language that another spoke, or the wear of life,
would we want for anything?
What if we forgave and forgot without a second thought,
would we be forgiven?
What if we supported or picked up another,
would we be whole?

Life is full of many turns in the road, the paths that we choose to take make us the men and women that we are, and the men and women that we can become.

Do we look for the best path??

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Another Week Gone

Well, another week has come and gone, and the next is about to begin. It's hard to believe that the older you get, the faster time seems to fly by...

So a quick recap of my week:


  • yeah...I'm not going to touch that one right now.


  • We weeded the garden on's amazing how fast the weeds grow. I am still hoping that our carrots and onions will come up...
  • We took Jessica to the hospital this afternoon...she is having gall bladder problems...and of course, because we took her to a smaller hospital in Caldwell, and their Doppler wasn't working...they couldn't find the baby's heartbeat...yet another stresser
  • Of course, money is always tight, and while we have enough, we seem to squeak by every month without falling behind. It's toughest on the kids because we cannot always do the fun things that they would like to do.
  • I started working on the family history again and i think that i am about 48 hours away from getting that which i can from the churches online records...then the fun will begin. I have traced one of our lines back to 6 AD.


  • Well, there's not much to say...i would love to go back to school and finish my degree...i just don't have the time or the money to do it right now.
  • Conner is stating to get into scouts, and i wish that i could be more involved...

Well, that' s about all for this last week...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Frustrations of Work Ethic

What a day...
Nothing in this world annoys me more than someone who has the potential to do great things...and yet they piss away their talents because they are lazy, they don't accept personal accountability for their own actions.

I mean, come on...we all have those days that we fell like slacking off. We all experience those days when we have a hard time separating our personal lives and problems with our work life.

What a day!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Weekend Observations

Well, the weekend has almost officially come to an end…where did the time go?

Observations from this weekend:

1) I am a firm believer that our children have greater spirits than we have…why else would God wait to send them down now. It is funny to watch a grown adult try to manipulate a child into acting or doing any certain thing. But the, I step back and think would I treat my brother or sister this way? Could I teach them anything whilst trying to manipulate them? NO. How much easier is it to show two paths and explain the consequences of each…they may go down the wrong path for a time, but what can they learn from it? At least they were able to make the choice themselves!
2) Speaking of children…as strong as my kids are, I fear for their future. Not for what they will make of themselves, but for the Kingmen running the show. I look at the world and everything there is going on…turn on the TV and have to turn the channel just to find something decent to watch (and we were just on the TV guide channel).

Once again…my mind goes blank. Until next time…


I have never been one to write down the many jumbled thoughts that go through my head at any given times. I's what I always have done...everything that goes on around me. And as I observe, I ponder, connect, try to put things in their rightful place in the world (at least in my head anyway)...
Its ironic to me that no matter what choices you make in your life or paths that you choose to take, they lead you to where you are. And more importantly make you who you are. And as you realize this, you once again come to a crossroads in your path.
On the one hand, you can choose to take your heart and spirit captive, blinding yourself to the bright dawn that always makes its way to the morning...or you can choose to accept where you are, who you have become and build on it. It's all a matter of choice.
There are a lot of things that I have done or said in the past that have really enslaved my heart and soul...filling me with great self doubts and internal tribulations.
It took me losing a pretty lucrative career to humble myself enough to pull my head out of the muck and take a look at who I was and where my life was taking me. Not the quick glance, where you don't even scratch the surface...but the deep soul search...who have you become? Is it where you want to be?
Change has been a wonderful thing in my life. Most people, including some of my family have no clue to the depths of my soul searching and the faith that it has given me. Am I perfect...Absolutely not. But at least I give a damn about getting better. I know that I don't move forward very much every day, but at least I'm not slipping backwards. usual, my mind has gone blank again...which means that I am extremely tired and my body is shutting down for the night...