Saturday, July 18, 2009

What is the biggest fear you have about yourself?

What is the biggest fear you have about yourself?

Pondering upon my fears is not something that often happens. But as I think about what scares me, where my fears lie, I find that they are not generated from external sources. It lies instead in my fear of failure to meet my own internal expectations.

Some of the thoughts that keep me up at night include:
Have I done everything that I could to ensure my family’s success in this crazy world? Am I doing everything that I can to keep a roof over their head, food in their mouths, and clothes on their backs?
Am I meeting my wife’s needs? Could I lose everything that we have built up together in an instant?

So how do I get past my monsters? One thing that I have learned over the last few years is to stress about only the things that I have complete control over. Things in life can come at you pretty quickly, and it can be very easy to be overcome by the little things. I worry about that which I control, and have faith that the rest will fall into its own place at its own time. If it is meant to be, it will

1 comment:

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